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Derby College named Health and Safety Champions

19 June 2019

Derby College has been named as AoC's Health and Safety Champion for 2014. The Award, sponsored by JTL, is open to all further education, sixth form and tertiary colleges in the United Kingdom, and aims to recognise colleges that are able to demonstrate to the wider FE sector, by example, the benefits of following good safety and health practices. Winners The winning entry, for the autumn 2014 competition, is from Derby College.Their entry relates to their new online accident, incident and near-miss reporting and investigation system. Use of the system should lead to a number of advantages. For example: It can be used by both staff and students Reports can be produced, allowing analysis of trends etc It enables easier, more accurate auditing Receiving "highly commended" runner-up awards are: Isle of Wight College for its entry, which relates to it new equipment maintenance system Chesterfield College for its entry, which relates to a pictorial Safe System of Work for use in high risk areas AoC would like to thank all of the colleges that entered the competition - the entries were all of a high standard. Presentations will be made at events of the colleges' choice and further information added to the Health and Safety Champion Award page.