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Delivering new Apprenticeship Standards Workshops

29 March 2016

In preparation for delivery of the new Apprenticeship Standards, ETF are holding one day workshops across the country aimed and designed to help managers, directors, heads of department, curriculum leads and senior practitioners involved in the delivery of Apprenticeships. The workshops offer the opportunity to learn and discuss the new apprenticeship standards and consider the key elements involved in making the transition from the existing frameworks whilst supporting you in the implementation and delivery of the new employer-led apprenticeships. New apprenticeships are based on standards designed by employers to meet their needs, the needs of their sector(s) and the economy more widely. These standards, replace existing frameworks and describe the skills, knowledge and behaviour required to undertake a specific occupation well, and to operate confidently within a sector. Who is this for? You should be accountable for engaging with employers and/or apprenticeship curriculum development, for example in the role of Director or Head of Apprenticeship/ Work-based learning. The workshop may not be appropriate if you are a trainer or assessor as it will require an understanding of your organisation’s strategic plans for apprenticeships. Training aim To offer the knowledge to develop and implement your organisation’s plans moving from a curriculum based on existing apprenticeship frameworks to one based on new Standards, taking into account and managing the implications for you and your staff. Learning outcomes To explain the apprenticeship reforms to colleagues, lead the process of action planning for implementation within your organisation and be more confident in supporting staff involved in apprenticeship delivery. Length of the programme Pre-work (1-2 hours) 1 day workshop Action planning as required for the individual and organisation One to one support and follow-up involving an online seminar This is an eight week process, including a one day workshop,supported action planning and a one hour practice sharing web seminar. Dates Venue and Location Tuesday, 19 April 2016 York Wednesday, 20 April 2016 Southampton Wednesday, 27 April 2016 London Wednesday, 4 May 2016 Birmingham Delegate Fees £100.00 per delegate for the one day workshop and follow up support (payable through ETF’s booking system). Discounts apply, find out more about the discounts by visiting the ETF website.