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Consultations on HE Green Paper

11 March 2016

Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice organised for December and January: Date Timing of Event Location Theme 1 Theme 2 Friday 4 December 09:00-12:00 Sheffield Teaching Excellence Framework Widening Participation Tuesday 8 December 10:30-13:30 London HE architecture reforms Teaching Excellence Framework Friday 11 December 09:00-12:00 Sheffield Market entry Student Protection Tuesday 15 December 10:30-13:30 London Market entry HE Architecture Thursday 7 January 2016 10:30-13:30 London Teaching Excellence Framework Deregulation measures Register your interest by responding to this email ( with the following details: Name and role of person/people who wish to attend: Date of the event(s) you/they wish to attend: Email address for confirmation: Green Paper - Briefing Note - v2ND-Nov-15.pdf Green Paper - Briefing Note - v2ND-Nov-15.pdf (PDF,177.8 KB)