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AoC support for Smith review's 10 year post 16 maths plan but dismay at snap decision on GCSE resits

19 June 2019

Sir Adrian Smith makes 18 recommendations in his ambitious report on post 16 maths to set England on a path where - in 10 year's time - every young person studies the subject up to the age 18. The Department for Education has promised a full response to the report but we are disappointed they have made a snap judgement on Sir Adrian's recommendation on the GCSE funding condition. After four years of putting students through GCSE resits, colleges can confirm that the policy does not work and is an obstacle to the ambition that we all share. It is not too late for DfE to reconsider this issue before deciding on post 16 funding allocations for 2018-19 and we will continue to push for a reconsideration as part of the discussions over the rest of the government response to this report. On the other issues in the review, AoC: supports the aim that all students on Level 3 programmes should be taking the core maths qualification. This will only happen if DfE also tackles 16 to 18 funding levels and the workforce supply issues raised elsewhere in the review (recommendation 1 and 6) is keen to work with DfE to collect better data on the maths workforce in colleges as part of a wider effort to increase the quality and quantity of teachers (recommendations 7 and 8) believes that technology could be used more effectively in 16 to 18 maths teaching in both academic and technical education and agrees that a better evidence base is needed on what works (recommendation 14 and 15) welcomes the review's focus on tackling obstacles that result in low maths take-up at Level 3 in some parts of the country or among young women (recommendations 13 and 16)