About AoC Charitable Trust
Established in 1994, the AoC Charitable Trust is dedicated to advancing the education of individuals aged 16 and over.
Our primary purpose is to raise, manage and oversee the application of funds to benefit and support post-16 education.
Our vision is to help transform lives and communities through exceptional post-16 education.
The Trustees are appointed from the Association of Colleges’ Main Board, AoC's executive officers and independent representatives. Trustees appointed from the AoC’s Board include the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance; executive officers include the Trust’s Director. Independent representatives are appointed for their knowledge, experience and status in the sector.
The Trust has oversight for a range of awards that recognise excellence in the sector across the diverse aspects of college life. These awards include Beacon Awards, Student of the Year Awards and FE Hall of Fame.
AoC Charitable Trust Team

Senior Charitable Trust Manager - Rachel Costello

Charitable Trust and Membership Services Coordinator - Sarah Gardner

How to contact us?
Get in contact via charitabletrust@aoc.co.uk.