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Mental Health Briefing 11/7/24

In this week's briefing, you will find information on Opportunity England's new in-depth Mental Health Policy Paper, Education Support’s FE Leaders’ Service, and how to sign up to the AoC Mental Health Charter framework.

Opportunity England's New In-Depth Mental Health Policy Paper

In July 2023, the Association of Colleges published Opportunity England which put forward five policy recommendations to tackle the key challenges we face as a nation: an ageing population, Britain’s place in the world, climate change, digitalisation and economic growth and productivity.

  1. A curriculum for all
  2. An apprenticeship system that works
  3. A new statutory right to lifelong learning
  4. A workforce strategy
  5. Investing in our future

Building on the Opportunity England paper and research commissioned by AoC, we published a new report, 100% opportunity: the case for a tertiary education system, in April 2024. This report set out what a system that serves everyone would look like.

In consultation with AoC Strategy and Reference Groups we have now published a series of policy papers which further develop our thinking. All proposed solutions are underpinned by AoC’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, digital solutions, green skills and sustainability.

This Mental Health paper supports the Opportunity England recommendation, 'a curriculum for all'.

Implementing these recommendations will align with Opportunity England’s vision by strengthening mental health support and strategy in FE. Effective strategy, dedicated investment and resource, and consistent accountability systems will enable colleges to provide effective mental health support, contributing to the wellbeing and success of students and staff. Research and developing pedagogy to underpin whole-college approaches to mental health will ensure a more comprehensive and responsive approach to meet staff and students’ needs. Working in partnership across the education and health eco-systems underpins a holistic strategy that will create a supportive educational experience, essential for fostering a healthy and resilient college community.

To read the full paper, and to view the AoC's summary video please click here.

College and School Leaders' Mental Health & Wellbeing Support

FE leaders, do you want to take time to pause, reflect and reconnect with your sense of purpose?

Education Support’s FE Leaders’ Service provides a safe and confidential space for you to talk about, and process what is going on for you at work. You will work with trained professional supervisors to focus on your mental wellbeing and help to develop new coping strategies to feel more fulfilled and in control.

Quotes from those who have already used the service:

“I never felt able to speak to anyone about the difficulties I was coping with. Being allowed the space to recognise the challenges and do something differently has been very important.”

“I found every session beneficial and has helped to reduce anxiety and find a more positive approach to this complex leadership role.”

“My supervisor was outstanding and understood me from the first session. She noted and recognised important issues to me and brought me back to reflect on them in follow up sessions.”

Apply now for this fully funded wellbeing support here.

These services are provided thanks to funding from DfE.

The AoC Mental Health Charter Framework

The Charter, created by AoC in partnership with college leaders and senior mental health leads, is an updated version of the original published five years ago. The new framework enables and supports colleges across England to affirm their commitment to staff and student mental health and wellbeing, by signing up to the new good practice principles and standards. The original 11 principles remain but are now embedded across four themes that make up the new Mental Health Charter framework:

1. Leadership and ethos: Through authentic leadership, model and champion an inclusive culture that meets the needs of the college community. Embed a consistent and co-ordinated whole-college approach to mental health through effective governance and leadership, that ensures wellbeing permeates all aspects of college life.

2. Support for students: Foster a physically and psychologically safe and welcoming environment that promotes wellbeing and proactively supports students’ mental health throughout their learning journey.

3. Workplace wellbeing: Nurture a culture that supports and invests in people and their wellbeing and create an exceptional working environment where colleagues feel valued, supported and can thrive.

4. Evidence and impact: Deliver and develop services, policies and strategies which are responsive to research and evidence of lived experience and community need. Provide transparent accountability through consistent and effective mechanisms, regular evaluation and reporting, and ensure there is a partnership approach to college activity.

Each theme is clearly linked to the relevant Department for Education principles of a whole-college approach to mental health, and supplementary guidance on how to use the charter framework will be provided to colleges.

Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education Robert Halfon said: “I am delighted to see that the Association of Colleges has launched this vital new charter, and I want to thank everyone in our brilliant further education sector for their work to safeguard the mental health and wellbeing of staff and students.

Mental health in education is now taken incredibly seriously across the board, and this new charter builds on the support we have offered to colleges, schools and universities to appoint mental health leads, provide funding where it’s needed and change the conversation on mental health.”

If you would like to sign up to the new charter, please email