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- BMet’s A-Level students celebrate another record year of success
BMet’s A-Level students celebrate another record year of success
BMet’s A-Level students celebrate another record year of success
Hundreds of A-Level students at BMet’s Sutton Coldfield College are celebrating another record year of success today, after gaining exemplary course results and achieving an impressive 97% exam pass rate – all ahead of the national average.
The hardworking learners studying a range of subjects at the college’s flagship A Level Centre, earned A*-B high grades, with several subjects reflected with excellent high-grade rates. These include Film Studies and Philosophy, where A*-B grades were achieved by 73% and 78% of students respectively.
As a result of their achievements and commitments through a very challenging two years of A level study, the majority of BMet A-Level students will be successfully progressing on to their chosen universities, including to prestigious ‘high tariff’ degrees and institutions.
A selection of students came into the college’s purpose built A Level Centre today to receive their results. Here is what some of them had to say:
Kate who achieved Maths (A*), Psychology (A) and Drama (A) said: “I am so happy with my results. Not only am I pleased that I have overcome challenges with my dyslexia, but also with studying during the pandemic to achieve the results I have done. I am particularly thankful to my teachers for supporting me along the way and am looking forward to having a career in Maths!”
Reem gained an A* in Chemistry and an A in Maths and Biology added: “I feel so delighted and relived to have received the results I have and I’ve exceeded my expectations. I am thankful that I studied at this college, which has really supported me along the way. My future plan is to go to university and become a doctor and now feel that I am on the right path!”
Megan obtained two A*s in Psychology and Politics and an A in English Language expressed: “I am so pleased that I got the grades I got, showing that all my hard work paid off. I definitely chose the right college to get me onto a rewarding career path. I got a text this morning to say that I got into the University of the West of England in Bristol, so I’m over the moon!”
Leon achieved an A in Psychology and an A* in Biology and Chemistry said: “I have a great experience at this college and felt that my needs as a mature student were definitely catered for. My plan for the future is to go down the healthcare route and then become a
doctor and feel that my results will help me along my journey!”
Nakiya gained two B’s in Media and Film and a C in English added: “As a student who is dyslexic and has recently moved to the UK to further my studies, I feel a huge sense of achievement and the future now looks bright for me! My plan is to go to Sheffield Hallam University, to pursue my desired career within the media industry.”
The good news results for the A Level Centre mean that the committed learners who chose subjects including Economics, Fine Art, Law, Media and Politics, are now one step closer to achieving their career goals – whether it be employment or further study.
Specialising in A Levels, BMet’s Sutton Coldfield College is home to modern, state of the art facilities, with a team of teaching specialists, who are actively involved in academic research and development.
Ian Moore, Director of A Levels at BMet’s Sutton Coldfield College said: “As in previous years, we are very pleased with the achievements of our students, whose hard work, talents and determination have certainly paid off.
“It is always a special date in the college calendar for both students and staff and it was an absolute pleasure to be able to celebrate collectively.
“Again, we are extra proud that the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic have not stopped our students’ abilities shinning and being resilient in the face of challenges.
“At BMet, we pride ourselves on preparing students for higher education and for the world of work and we are excited to see what their bright futures hold – whether it be them gaining a place at university, getting a step closer to their chosen careers or achieving their personal goals.
BMet College and the Sutton Coldfield A Level Centre would like to offer our warm congratulations, first and foremost to our own A Level students, but also to all students throughout the UK who have successfully navigated unprecedented challenges to achieve their qualifications this summer.
To find out more about the A Level courses, please visit our website at https://www.bmet.ac.uk/our-cou... and to enrol on courses this September, please visit: https://www.bmet.ac.uk/open-ev...