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AoC West Midlands

We help our member colleges to deliver social and economic benefit to people, businesses and communities on the ground. We also make sure they are fully engaged in debates about the sector so they have a say in AoC policy.

Meet the West Midlands Team

Jen Hope

Area Director (East & West Midlands) & Senior Policy Lead, Mental Health

Headshot Jen Hope

Pal Sohi

Member Services Manager (Midlands & East)

Pal Pic1

Chloé Buchanan

Member Services Coordinator (Midlands & East)

Chloe Pic2

AoC Sport Midlands Contacts

Rachel Walker
Policy & Projects Manager

Contact the Policy and Projects Manager for advice on: AoC Sport membership, sport and education policy and projects, national and regional funding streams, new developments in the sector and strategic planning.

Rob Elkin
Sport Development Officer

Contact the Sport Development Officer for advice on: Leagues and cups, regional tournaments, local development opportunities, and programmes.

AoC West Midlands Networks & Forums

Principals & CEOs' Network

This network brings together Principals & CEOs from colleges in the West Midlands twice a term virtually, to discuss and influence current strategic issues impacting colleges. This network is supported by the Regional Director (elected representative) on AoC Board to ensure college leaders have a strong regional and national voice on priority issues. College leaders also receive key policy updates, with an opportunity to meet with senior officials and external stakeholders in the further education sector.

Chairs of Corporation Network

This network facilitates college chairs across the East and West Midlands to meet twice a term virtually, supported by the National Chairs' Council Representatives. Members will receive updates from the AoC Governance Team, senior officials and sector stakeholders to advise on changes in legislation and governance, supporting colleges to work collaboratively.

Curriculum & Quality Network

This network meets twice a term virtually, facilitating discussion and exchange of effective practice between college senior leaders with responsibility for quality and improvement, across the East and West Midlands. Members will receive key national updates from the AoC Policy Team, senior representatives from Ofsted, Ofqual and other key stakeholders, as well as case studies of new curriculum initiatives and developments.

Finance Directors' Network

This network meets twice a term virtually, supported by regional College Funding Directors Group (CFDG) representatives for the East and West Midlands. Members will receive AoC national funding updates, regional ESFA input, and presentations from relevant sector stakeholders to support the financial health of colleges. Members are also supported to share effective practice and regional intelligence.

HR Professionals' Network

This network meets twice a term virtually, facilitating discussion and exchange of effective practice between HR Professionals across the East and West Midlands. Members will receive regular legal guidance and updates from Irwin Mitchell LLP regarding current and emerging issues and hear from the AoC Employment Team to address national trends and updates.

Governance Professionals' Network

This network meets twice a term virtually, facilitating discussion and exchange of effective practice between Governance Professionals across the East and West Midlands. Members will receive updates from the AoC Governance Team, senior officials and sector stakeholders to advise on changes in legislation and governance impacting further education.

SEND Forum

Chair: AoC Senior Policy Manager (SEND)

This termly virtual forum supports discussion and exchange of regional data and intelligence between staff with responsibility for SEND strategy and delivery, across the Midlands and East regions. Members will receive updates from the AoC Senior Policy Lead for SEND and relevant sector organisations to address new policy and emerging trends, as well as case studies of initiatives and effective practice.

Apprenticeship Forum

Chair: AoC Senior Skills Policy Manager

This termly virtual forum supports discussion and exchange of regional data and intelligence between staff with responsibility for apprenticeships and employer engagement, across the Midlands and East regions. Members will receive updates from the AoC Senior Skills Policy manager, sector officials including DWP, and relevant sector organisations to address new policy and emerging trends, as well as case studies of initiatives and effective practice.

College HE Forum

Chair: AoC Senior Policy Manager (HE)

This termly virtual forum supports discussion and exchange of regional data and intelligence between staff with responsibility for higher education strategy and delivery, across the Midlands and East regions. Members will receive updates from the AoC Senior Policy Manager for Higher Education, sector officials including HEFCE and QAA, and other relevant sector organisations to address new policy and emerging trends, as well as case studies of initiatives and effective practice.

Please direct all enquiries regarding regional networks and forums to Chloé Buchanan.

    Network Meetings