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AoC North West

We help our member colleges to deliver social and economic benefit to people, businesses and communities on the ground. We also make sure they are fully engaged in debates about the sector so they have a say in AoC policy.

The North West Team

Rebecca Durber

North West Area Director and Senior Policy lead for Skills Reform

R Durber headshot 003

Member Services Manager - North

Natasha Deverson-Davies

Member Services Coordinator - North

Where to find us:

Suite 2, Peter's Court, Peter Street, Chorley, Lancs PR7 2RP

Tel: 01257 279 791

AoC North Sport

Rachel Walker

Policy & Projects Manager

07760 458 763

Contact the Policy and Projects Officer for advice on: AoC Sport membership, sport and education policy and projects, national and regional funding streams, new developments in the sector and strategic planning.

Karla Hacking

Sport Development Officer

07825 148 024

Contact the Sport Development Officer for advice on: Leagues and cups, regional tournaments, local development opportunities, and programmes.

AoC North West Networks and Forums

Principals and Chairs Network

Meetings enable Principals and CEOs from the North West region to meet throughout the year virtually to discuss current strategic and policy issues in the sector. Members also receive key national updates, with an opportunity to meet collectively with senior representatives from external stakeholders in the Further Education sector.

Curriculum and Quality Network

This network meets throughout the year virtually and supports all aspects of quality improvement in colleges as well as the implementation of new curriculum initiatives and developments. The primary audience is Vice Principals and senior managers with responsibility for quality and improvement, although all interested staff are welcome to attend. Members also receive key national updates from the AoC Policy Team, with an opportunity to meet collectively with senior representatives from Ofsted and other key stakeholders.

Finance Directors Network

This network meets throughout the year virtually. Meetings include updates on current financial areas of interest/concern, updates from the AoC and the ESFA, with feedback shared from the national College Funding Directors Group (CFDG) meetings.

HR Network

This network meets throughout the year virtually and provides an opportunity for college HR Managers to share best practice and receive legal updates from Irwin Mitchell LLP on current issues. Members also receive key national updates from Jo Taylor, HR Specialist Member Services Manager

Governance Professionals Network

This network meets throughout the year virtually and provides members with key information on policy changes and other matters which affect college Governance, as well as an opportunity for round table discussion. Members also receive relevant national updates from Hayley Igbokwe, AoC Governance Manager.

SEND Forum

Led by David Holloway, AoC Senior Policy Manager, SEND.

The aim of this virtual forum is to receive key updates from David, share best practice and provide discussion points on issues relating to provision for Learners with Special Educational Needs in colleges. The forum is open to senior managers and expert practitioners, and has a particular focus on sharing practical solutions to current challenges.

Apprenticeship Forum

Led by Teresa Frith, AoC Senior Skills Policy Manager.

This virtual forum supports college staff in a range of business development roles with a focus on all aspects of provision for employers or employment, including Apprenticeships, work with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), and enterprise activity, plus receiving key updates

Higher Education Forum

Led by Arti Saraswat, AoC Senior Policy Manager, HE.

The virtual forum supports college staff with management roles in the provision of higher education in colleges, although anyone from a member college with an interest in higher education is welcome to attend. Each forum features key updates from Arti along with presentations from stakeholders such as HEFCE, QAA and other organisations, with opportunities for sharing experiences and good practice.

To see a full list of dates and to register your attendance, please visit our events page.

    Network Meetings